She holds influential roles in trade groups, as the Chairwoman of the Association of National Tourism Office
Representatives - Korea (ANTOR), stands as Chairperson of the Korea branch of the International Public Relations
Association (IPRA) for 2007 and EWHA A&P Chairperson 2003.
Her career has built a strong reputation int the foreign media and as an Airliner in Executive position.
She was the Director of Communications for the global PR and media campaigns for the 2010 and 2014 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games bids as well 2018.
For her accomplishments, Nancy was bestowed Decoration of Merit in Silver from the republic of Austria Government, also received the Johann Strauss Gold Medal and Certificates of Merit from the Austrian
Government, and was honored for three years from 1997 as an Ambassador of the UN IAEWP.
A graduate of Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Nancy is also the author of a book of travel essays
entitled ¡°What a Wonderful World.¡± Her second book ¡°Market Yourself and PR the World¡± was published in January 2010.
